Ashley Robinson OAM

Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project

I AM a strong supporter of the Council’s plans to revitalise Mooloolaba’s foreshore, improve facilities for beachgoers, and increase access to the beach for everyone. And I acknowledge that a great deal of research and consultation has already gone into the project.

I also understand, and acknowledge, everyone’s desire that the project be carried out in a timely enough manner to prevent disruption over more than one summer holiday period.

But we get only one chance to deliver a project of this nature, and I believe we should take the time to get it absolutely right.

I’m not convinced that the welfare of retailers, beachgoers or tourists during the construction phase has been adequately considered, I’m aware of public concern about the seawall, and I’m not happy that proposed construction seems to be encroaching onto the beach.

If I’m elected mayor, I will call an urgent summit to consider these issues. And I’ll put a strict deadline on the discussion and decision-making process. I’m not about delaying this project – just getting it right.