Ashley Robinson OAM

Planning & Development

BY 2041, there will be 500,000 people living on the Sunshine Coast. Our region is no longer a quiet, holiday retreat – it’s a thriving, dynamic city which is clearly attractive to many, many Australians.

While growth is inevitable, it is important that we manage it, for the sake of the region, and for our children and grand-children.

My goal, as mayor of the Sunshine Coast, is to ensure future development is sustainable. In other words, to ensure that projects, policies and investments provide immediate benefits without sacrificing environmental, social and personal health in the future.

My Council will implement policies to ensure that future development on the Sunshine Coast is sustainable, protects our wonderful environment and ensures the lifestyle we love remains for future generations to enjoy.

I do not support high rise development beyond current limits. But I do believe that limited areas of increased density, as long as they are properly planned and built with setbacks sufficient to enhance the built environment, not clutter it.

I will support the new Planning Scheme now being developed, and I will listen carefully to expert advice from community groups and sector interests during its design and implementation.