Ashley Robinson OAM

Small Business

SMALL Business is a crucial component of future economic growth on the Sunshine Coast.There are currently 35,000 small businesses in our owned by local families.

The Coast’s population is expected to increase from 360,000 to 500,000 by 2041, while our Gross Regional Product sits at $20.96 billion – up from $13 billion in 2013 – and is expected to hit $33 billion by 2033.

Small Business is an integral component of that growth which is expected to realise 100,000 new jobs by 2033.

I have operated small businesses, and I’m comfortable managing people.

My life has always been based upon the principles of honesty, integrity, open frankcommunication and good old, no-frills hard work.

If elected I will be accessible to all sectors of the community and adopt a hands-on approach to working with small business operators, mums, dads and families ensuring that existing small businesses survive, prosper and grow. 

I am very much aware of the suffering experienced by small business during recent roadworks and public infrastructure upgrades.

I intend to work closely with our Economic Development team to ensure the continued attraction of new business to our region.

It is essential that we always engage local contractors where possible when outsourcing Council work.