Ashley Robinson OAM

Thursday, February 15

ELECTORAL Commission Queensland conducted the draw at Forest Glen yesterday for the order candidates’ names will appear on ballot papers for the  Sunshine Coast Council mayoral elections, which start with pre-polling from March 4 and then on Election Day, March 16.

There were also draws for the order of names of candidates in each of the 10 councillor divisions.

I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be my day, and had the bookmakers been operating, I would have bet the farm on drawing the last position in the draw.

And that’s exactly what happened.

So when you vote, it will be easy to find me at the bottom of the list of candidates.

But if want a mayor with the capacity to bring real cultural change, and one who will give City Hall back to the people, Vote 1 Ashley Robinson at pre-polling from March 4 or on Election Day on March 16.

I may be last on the list, but that’s the only way to put the community first.


I received a lovely endorsement yesterday from Simon Whittle OAM, one of the best known citizens of Buderim. Simon’s a past president of the Buderim Community Association, a Buderim Foundation ambassador and patron of Headland Golf Club and University Cricket Club

This is what he said:

“For my friends who are unsure who to vote for mayor in the upcoming local government elections, I would like to recommend Ashley Robinson.

Ashley and I are not close friends. However, I have always enjoyed the contact we have had.

He, like me, has lived on the Sunshine Coast all his life. He has a huge network of contacts and admirers who will be invaluable in keeping his finger on the community pulse.

Most importantly he is a leader who seems to thrive on challenges. He has modestly chalked up huge leadership successes in Community, Sport, and business on the Sunshine Coast…. all with a “can do” commonsense approach to tackling challenges, coupled with humour and sensitivity.

I am surprised and so excited he has put his hand up.

In the interest of the future of the area in which we are so fortunate to live, I would naturally love you to share this testimonial with friends.”

Thank you, Simon, for your support.