Ashley Robinson OAM

Expert panel to provide independent advice

KNOWING that he doesn’t have all the answers, Ashley Robinson plans to establish an advisory panel to challenge and advise him, and ensure that Sunshine Council delivers the sort of informed governance the region deserves.

The group, made up of experts in their field, would provide independent advice on their areas of expertise.

Winning an election doesn’t make you smarter or more intelligent, Ashley says, it just means the ratepayers have trusted you to lead.

“I know I haven’t got all the answers, but collectively, we have great wisdom and knowledge within our community, and I want to tap into it.”

Ashley has already floated the idea with a number of current and former leaders in the fields of crime fighting, community engagement, climate and the environment, sport, tourism and small business – all of whom agreed to join the panel.

“I can’t name them just now. It might sound like they were endorsing me. I don’t want their approval – I want them to challenge me. These are men and women of the highest calibre and it is encouraging that they were so positive about the plan.”

“We need to seek advice outside the walls of City Hall. Everywhere we go we keep hearing that the Council is a closed shop that dictates decisions, despite claims of consultation.”

The panel would also need representation from sectors like planning and infrastructure, construction, aviation, education and agriculture.

Ashley said experience had shown him that successful outcomes were achieved through communicating with people.