Ashley Robinson OAM

Expert panel to provide independent advice

KNOWING that he doesn’t have all the answers, Ashley Robinson plans to establish an advisory panel to challenge and advise him, and ensure that Sunshine Council delivers the sort of informed governance the region deserves. The group, made up of experts in their field, would provide independent advice on their areas of expertise. Winning an […]

Public Transport Policy

We are an important tourism destination and an increasingly dynamic economic centre and we need a Heavy Rail link from Beerwah to Maroochydore as an urgent priority. Not only will Heavy Rail enable tourists to easily access our region, it will link communities, service new growth areas, and reduce the number of cars on our […]

Small Business

SMALL Business is a crucial component of future economic growth on the Sunshine Coast.There are currently 35,000 small businesses in our owned by local families. The Coast’s population is expected to increase from 360,000 to 500,000 by 2041, while our Gross Regional Product sits at $20.96 billion – up from $13 billion in 2013 – and is expected to hit $33 billion by 2033. Small Business is an […]

Public Finances

A COUNCIL that I lead will work diligently to ensure that not a dollar of expenditure is wasted. In every business that I’ve managed I’ve treated the company’s funds as if they were my own, making sure that nothing was spent unnecessarily, and that I always got value for money. Council spending is no different. […]

Planning & Development

BY 2041, there will be 500,000 people living on the Sunshine Coast. Our region is no longer a quiet, holiday retreat – it’s a thriving, dynamic city which is clearly attractive to many, many Australians. While growth is inevitable, it is important that we manage it, for the sake of the region, and for our […]

Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project

I AM a strong supporter of the Council’s plans to revitalise Mooloolaba’s foreshore, improve facilities for beachgoers, and increase access to the beach for everyone. And I acknowledge that a great deal of research and consultation has already gone into the project. I also understand, and acknowledge, everyone’s desire that the project be carried out […]

Creative Arts On The Sunshine Coast

I’M FRUSTRATED at the number of talented, creative Sunshine Coast residents forced to leave our region to further their careers in the creative arts industries. I want them to be able to follow their dreams right here. My vision is to invigorate the region’s creative landscape. I want to encourage filmmakers, artists and television producers […]